Always Home's client families are low-wage workers who meet the Federal Poverty Level ($25,820 for a family of three) or are an ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) household struggling to meet their rental obligations and other basic needs on earnings well below our region's median family income. According to the National Low Income Housing 2024 Out of Reach Report, a renter in the Norwich-New London area needs to earn a full-time, hourly wage of $29.92 (an annual salary of $62,234) to afford a modest 2-bedroom apartment. At Connecticut’s $15.69 minimum wage, a single parent needs to work over 76 hours a week to afford housing.
Always Home's Employment and Work Skills Training Program helps unemployed/underemployed heads-of- household enroll in training, education and certification programs with the goal of increasing marketable skills, improving access to job opportunities and boosting income potential.